Start date: 20.12.2013
End date: 31.07.2015

European Regional Development fund Operational Programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" Priority 2.1 "Science and Innovation" Measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" Activity "Support to Science and Research" agreement No. 2013/0049/2DP/

Logo ERAF Ieguldijums

The aim of the study is to ensure the integration of science and production by developing practical solutions for the establishment and management of plantations of fast-growing tree species, promoting the efficient use of un-managed lands with relatively small long-term investments, and the possible production of high added value products from their processing in Latvian companies.

Informative material Offer of new Latvian Salix dasyclados and Populus × woobsti clones for multifuctional use developed by LSFRI "Silava" and registrated at CPVO 
