
 2023 01 01 Logo InBestSoil

New research project, funded by Horizon 2020 programme, InBestSoil – Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policy making started. Project involves partners from 19 institutions of 10 countries.

The objective of InBestSoil is to co-create a framework for investment in conservation and recovery of soil health, by developing an economic valuation system of the ecosystem services delivered by a healthy soil and the impacts of soil interventions, and its incorporation into business models and incentives. This will allow public and private organizations to give economic value to their actions over soil health, co-design strategies with local stakeholders, and work collectively to deliver national and EU policy ambitions.

The first meeting of InBestSoil partners took place in Zagreb (Croatia) from January 31 till February 1, where also Latvian representatives participated. One of Latvian represantatives – Senior researcher of LSFRI "Silava" Arta Bārdule.