Jānis Vuguls
Start date: 01.07.2010
End date: 30.06.2013

European Regional Development fund Operational Programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovation" Priority 2.1 "Science and Innovation" Measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" Activity "Support to projects for international cooperation in science and technologies" agreement No. 2010/0199/2DP/

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The objective of this project is to promote the development of international cooperation projects, Institute’s recognition and competitiveness abroad. It is planned to involve the competence of qualified specialists' scientific and consulting services, to prepare the applications of cooperation projects in international research and platforms programmes. It is planned to release the research results of LSFRI "Silava" in local and international periodicals, as well as to support the LSFRI "Silava" scientists' mobility and participation in international congresses and conferences.

The planned project results are the employing of scientific capacity of LSFRI "Silava" and involving services of qualified specialists to prepare 6 international cooperation project applications on the next research areas: regeneration, forest tree breeding and genetics, forest hydrology, bioenergy and forest phytopathology; to participate in at least 12 international forest research conferences and congresses; to publish at least 15 publications in international editions of forest research.

Project activities

  1. 31.07.–6.08.2010. Participation in Mycological Congress IMC9: The Biology of Fungi.
  2. 9.09.2010. Participation in IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02 conference "Advances in Somatic Embriogenesis of Trees and its Application for The Future Forests and Plantation".
  3. 15.09.2010. Participation in XXIII IUFRO World Congress "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment".
  4. 12.–16.09.2010. Dalība Nordic-Baltic seminārā "Documentation and access to information and material of vegetatively propagated plants and forest resources".
  5. 20.–25.09.2010. Participation in IUFRO Working Party 2.08.04 Fifth International Poplar Symposium (IPS V) "Poplars and willows: from research models to multipurpose trees for a bio-based society".
  6. 15.10.2010. Participation in COST FP0903 1st conference "Research, monitoring and modelling in the study of climate change and air pollution impacts on forest ecosystems".
  7. 17.11.2010. Participation in the meeting of the Directors of forest research institutes of Nordic, Baltic and Atlantic states.